February 8, 2022
The Can-Am Equine All Breeds Expo regrettably announces the postponement of both shows in Ancaster, ON and Chilliwack, BC to spring of 2023. The partners of the Can-Am All Breeds Equine expo all agreed that we would not put on the show unless able to deliver safe conditions with a show that is up to the standards that we have proudly produced for the past 20 years. We realize our responsibility to deliver value to our paying customers when attending our show and we do not feel at this time we can guarantee the value that they have become accustomed to. There are so many components that go into making a great customer experience, and we are not comfortable at this time as I am sure you can appreciate.
Vendors â€“ Vendor hardships over the past 2 years have left them with supply and staff challenges. To ask them to commit to purchasing special product for the show at this time is not responsible, and not enabling us to assure an exciting shopping atmosphere.
International Clinicians â€“ Priding our self on world-renown clinicians to assure value to our customers. We cannot guarantee Guy McLean will be able to cross the border at this time with his 5 world class horses, along with other clinicians which again would devalue the experience for our paying customers.
COVID-19 â€“ At this time we cannot assure what covid protocols will be in place and we will not put our customers safety at risk. We did discuss moving the date back, but as we know, once April is over all the horse shows are in full swing and everyone is out enjoying their horse, which we all can appreciate. As you can imagine this decision was not made lightly. That being said, we will once again ensure that everyone who has paid for a booth will receive their monies back.
We look forward to a strong return for 2023 and wish everyone a safe, enjoyable summer. PLEASE NOTE: We will take bookings now for 2023, on a first come basis and will not ask for a deposit at this early stage.
Thank you again for your support and understanding,
Ross Millar

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